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Our Recent Posts
Let's Talk About: Latex Allergies
Hello everyone! How I’ve missed you during my year-long hiatus. Let’s start with a pretty straight-forward topic. Latex Allergies. We’ve...
Let's Talk About- Identity
Last post was about Phases, which are identities that end. Which sparked some really great conversations about what Identity really is....
Let's Talk About: Phases
I’ve noticed that while I’m discussing sexuality with people, especially parents of teens, the question of phases often comes up. It’s...
Let's Talk About: Catfishing
It may be a sign that I am growing old, or that I’ve been out of the dating scene for a long time, but I was completely unfamiliar with...
Let's Talk About: Talking About Sex (For Parents of Teens)
This week I want to talk about talking about sex. Specifically to teens. Why? Because it’s one of my favorite things to do! And one of...
Let's talk about- Self Care
First off, let me apologize for being absent for a while. Sometimes our bodies force us into taking a break, even from the things we love...
Let's Talk About: Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is an all too common occurrence that affects Americans of all genders, races, ages, education levels, and socio-economic...
Let's Talk About: The Magic Condom Fairy
The Magic Condom Fairy is part Cosplay, part advocacy. The project is this blog and my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's...
Let's Talk About: Ancient Birth Control
This week’s blog post was written by the brilliant and multi talented Gaia Aurelia Cerva and will be about some of the methods of birth...
Let's Talk About: Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse is a fairly common and usually benign medical condition that affects females, most often between the ages of 70 and...
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